
Sunday, 17 November 2013

Jerusalem Artichokes - finally!

3kg ish of Jerusalem Artichokes

Well, the crop was certainly worth waiting for. Definitely my most successful vegetable so far. I added them to mashed potato (got away with it), made a kind of creamy bake to go with a roast (was ok) and made most of them into soup, which was edible.

Not high praise unfortunately, although I didn't experience any of the "after-effects", ahem, that Jerusalem artichokes are known for. I don't know whether to grow them again - it was lovely to have a crop that was so successful, but we really didn't love them...

Sunday, 22 September 2013

End of September

Strawberries - repotted as their plot was horribly weedy and overgrown.

Jerusalem Artichokes!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Sunday, 21 July 2013

End of July


Jerusalem Artichokes

French Beans (I think!)



Peas at home. First time I've ever eaten them raw. SO delicious. 

Sunflowers at home